
Showing posts from September, 2020

The Right Source Of Energy

A few years ago during a storm we lost power for close to 3hrs..we all were son..7 years old at that time..came and said mama my fan won't work..I said son even though it's plugged in you need electricity in order for your fan to work..I got a revelation out of that..too many folks out here trying hard to make things work without that Power.He is with us because the word say God is omnipresent..but He must be activated by keep trying and trying, but Lord I go to church, I do this in Your name, I do that in Your name, I treat people right, I help people that are in need, but God said pick up your cross and follow Him..humble yourself under the Almighty hand of God, get your spiritual house in order activate the Power within you..stop trying to do things in your own seems to be okay for the moment but it's not everlasting..even though through the storm something knocked out our physical power we didn't lose our composure because the Spiritual


Everything in life has a process, no matter what it or it has to go through a any time you skip, miss, neglect, or whatever some part in that process, it will not come out completely successful..I come to realize that life is a process we can not go around certain things that will build character..some things that we don't want to do or just don't seem right we just have to go through, b/c whatever is within the process is far more greater than going around it..we as humans have a saying "Lord have mercy" not even realizing that God said if you want to be like Him, you gotta be merciful b/c He is merciful..(part of the process y'all)..we must understand that God is greater than holding on to things that is not building may seem like it won't work, but remember ALL things work together for the good of them that love the Lord and are call according to His purpose..DO YOU HAVE PURPOSE?.go through it, live through it, get through