

 Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Don't beat yourself up about the unfavorable choices that you have made in your long as there's breath in your body..there's always another wind..doesn't matter what happened during that doesn't matter what your current situation doesn't matter if it seems like it took everything out of are still here..take your second breath..keep moving and get what you so rightfully cousin Luella said CIRCUMSTANCES LIE..COME ON HERE🙌🏾 it ain't what you went ain't what you feel like or what it looks like..confuse that God and take your second breath!!! ~{LEFTBEHIND4PURPOSE}~


My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015..she had 2 surgeries a few treatments of chemo and several treatments of day when she was close to completing the Chemo..she  went to the surgeon because her breast has been swollen and sore for about 3 days..when she left she texted me this.{Girl. Thank the Lord!!! She came in the room saying, I think I'm 99.9 percent sure what you're gonna tell me. She told me how I felt. She said that was normal. She said you're almost done with your chemo and that's because it's healing with the fluid moving around. When it's swelling and sore it's the tissue healing} go with me in the spirit..of course be mindful but we shouldn't think it strange when we are going through hurt and pain because it's part of the process..God is doing a work in us we have to go through in order to get our breakthrough..I am excited about my mom and what God is doing in this season...CAN SOMEBODY SAY EXCITED!!!!!


Every situation we face in life we have a one can make you do anything you don't wanna do..we were created to make a's totally up to you whether you choose by wisdom or by the can choose life or can choose to live to please God or live to please self, you can choose to go right or go can choose to be real or be a hypocrite in whatever you can choose to be consistent or choose to be stagnant..but.whatever situation you face think before you act!!! "will this be beneficial for the now or for my future" *Joshua 24:15 ~{LEFTBEHIND4PURPOSE}~


I will never forget when I was pregnant with my son..I had a dream that my life was being sifted through a sifter..I wasn't a Christian then and I didn't understand it so I leaned to my own understanding and said God was removing things out of my life that didn't need to be there..but I promise my life was very messy..I went through soooo much at times seemed unbearable..when I became a Christian I thought back on that very dream and God revealed that dream was the enemy attempting to destroy me..I am reminded of Luke 22 verses 31-34 where the Lord told Simon..the enemy desires to sift you like wheat but I have prayed for you that your faith do not fail you..MY GOD!!! it didn't make sense then but it makes so much sense now..the enemy desires to rip me apart but I have a Father in heaven that lives on the inside of me that is advocating on my behalf..GLLLOOORRRYYY!!! so no matter how the devil comes at me or try to attack Father reminds are Mine now and y


Let your LOYALTY be bigger than your unreliability  Let your FAITH be bigger than your fear Let your RESPECT be bigger than your disrespect  Let your LOVE be bigger than your hate Let your SMILE be bigger than your frown  Let your PRESENCE be bigger than your absence  Let your PEACE be bigger than your pain  Let your JOY be bigger than your sorrow *The moral of this is...we all go through but no matter what we go through..stay true to self and God wholeheartedly and believe His Word..bc we know that ALL things will work together for the good of them that love Him and are called according to His purpose and we are all.... ~{LEFTBEHIND4PURPOSE}~


We are starting to see the Holy Bible fulfill itself..we are living in a world where we all have freewill..but the thing the end..we will be judged according to our lifestyles..2 Timothy 3:2-4..folks are just out here doing their own thing..weird things, unethical things, ungodly things and calling it God and claiming God but not honoring or respecting Him..but yet standing/hiding behind these pulpits declaring the Word like it's okay..ight y'all wanna play..according to 1 Peter 4:17 the judgement will start in the House of God..too many folks are out here making a mockery of God..don't get it twisted bc Galatians 6:7 tells us don't let these folks fool you bc God is not they are living outside of the church and outside of your presence is not Godly or Holy..according to 1 Peter 4:8..God covers many many of our sins but if we don't confess our sins according to 1 John 1:9...He will allow you to be longer will you be out here making the


So many times I've many times I wanted to forget it many times I wonder will thing ever go the way "I" want them to many times I wonder why do I care so many times my mind just go round and round and round..but...  never will I quit..never will I lose sight of who I am as a woman..never will I lose faith that God will keep me in perfect peace..never will I allow what I see to turn me away from my future. Even when I can't see Him..He's working..I have to constantly ask God to keep my mind covered..and I have to do my part by casting down anything that attempts to rise above who I know God is in me and who I am in Him. #brokenbutbeingpiecedtogether  ~{LEFTBEHIND4PURPOSE}~