We are starting to see the Holy Bible fulfill itself..we are living in a world where we all have freewill..but the thing the end..we will be judged according to our lifestyles..2 Timothy 3:2-4..folks are just out here doing their own thing..weird things, unethical things, ungodly things and calling it God and claiming God but not honoring or respecting Him..but yet standing/hiding behind these pulpits declaring the Word like it's okay..ight y'all wanna play..according to 1 Peter 4:17 the judgement will start in the House of God..too many folks are out here making a mockery of God..don't get it twisted bc Galatians 6:7 tells us don't let these folks fool you bc God is not they are living outside of the church and outside of your presence is not Godly or Holy..according to 1 Peter 4:8..God covers many many of our sins but if we don't confess our sins according to 1 John 1:9...He will allow you to be longer will you be out here making the name of the Lord look yall please remember..please..that everyone who cries Holy Holy don't have a real relationship with God according to Matt 7:21..just bc they are preaching the gospel doesn't mean the are called by God..just bc they say they are a Christian doesn't mean they are a child of God.
Check out John 10:1-5..Jesus is the only way to God..and if we don't turn from the things that are not of God..the Word says that you're no different than a thief and a robber..folks are out here playing church..but you better believe they are being held accountable for every soul that they pushed away from Christ!! When i was younger..the old male choir at my home church Mt Grove AME Zion use to sing..GET RIGHT WITH GOD AND DO IT NOW!!!!! I didn't get it then..but i understand it now..God is sicca y'all over for playing church..your soul and other's souls are at risk!!!!
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