
Showing posts from January, 2022


i never thought people would throw more money on the alter than throwing their sins..JESUS..whats the point in following the gospel if you're not changing? money can't buy your way to heaven..the word say count up the cost but you dont have enough money to pay that bill..that's why Jesus died for our sins..He would rather have your heart than your money, you give money out of obedience, and sacrifice..give Him your life 1st! and you will reap the benefit..Our Father is rich in houses and land..and we as His children are the inheritances ~{LEFTBEHIND4PURPOSE}~


You may ask "why me" but let them keep talking..bc no matter how many times they accuse you..they don't even realize God is fighting your battles..He will always make a way of escape for His own and it will always backfire on them!!  Stay true to who you are!!!! Don't back down!!! He's just keep showing up!! *Check out Matthew 5:11-12 😉 ~{LEFTBEHIND4PURPOSE}~


If this is for me I dare not withhold it bc somebody else can catch it in the atmosphere.. **having is what it is, I can't have that I can't do that and the enemy wants you to get frustrated and give up bc he knows the impact in the Kingdom it's gonna make..renounce that thought and speak those things that you can't see right now as if they have already come to pass..continue trusting God! If He said it, you remain in place then it is so!!!👏🏾 Numbers 23:19-20 check it out!!😉 ~{LEFTBEHIND4PURPOSE}~

Have Faith In God In All You Do

 According to Philippians matter what you face you must see God in the spirit and rejoice through it because it's only temporary..allow others to see the God in you put all your cares in Jesus by going before Him in prayer continually..don't lose focus on Him in you're going through..for He is always with you..keep a clear conscience so you can have that peace of God that can't be explained..even when you can't feel Him He is working on your behalf..just trust and believe that your life is and forever will be victorious through Christ Jesus for He is the Author and the Finisher of our faith..stay with Him and watch Him work and if you're not in relationship with Him try Him and see won't He turn your life around..there's joy in Him..there is favor in Him..there is peace in Him..there is victory in Him! ~{LEFTBEHIND4PURPOSE}~


When a newly saved person give their life to Christ they need to see the areas that is mentioned in Romans 12 being fulfilled. They don't need to be connected to someone in the body of Christ that isn't true living for the Lord. We know that there is no perfect church but we can't use that as an excuse to sin on purpose especially if you are a Christian. You cannot draw anyone if they don't see the fruits of living for Christ in your life. Babes in Christ need others to look on to see the characters of Christ. So, when your community is built on Jesus you can draw and encourage. The word tells us in Matthew 10:16(not verbatim) to be wise as a serpent but harmless as a dove. You don't want or need to do anything that will turn their babe in Christ back to the world. Also the word tells us with love and kindness He drew us so we should share that same love with others. We don't want the enemy to trick anyone into believing that the Christian life isn't worth l