When a newly saved person give their life to Christ they need to see the areas that is mentioned in Romans 12 being fulfilled. They don't need to be connected to someone in the body of Christ that isn't true living for the Lord. We know that there is no perfect church but we can't use that as an excuse to sin on purpose especially if you are a Christian. You cannot draw anyone if they don't see the fruits of living for Christ in your life. Babes in Christ need others to look on to see the characters of Christ. So, when your community is built on Jesus you can draw and encourage. The word tells us in Matthew 10:16(not verbatim) to be wise as a serpent but harmless as a dove. You don't want or need to do anything that will turn their babe in Christ back to the world. Also the word tells us with love and kindness He drew us so we should share that same love with others. We don't want the enemy to trick anyone into believing that the Christian life isn't worth living. The word reminds us that everyone that we come in contact with that claims to be in the body isn't in it to bring glory to God. When you have the community that's built on Christ that babe would be able to discern when they see others that are living shaking. Even though life sometimes get hard, when you have a community built on Christ that's backing you and encouraging you you will be more prone to pressing because you will know. Even though it may be rough right now, it won't always be like this. We know that there are people out here that claim Christ but don't want that change. They can be testing you to see if you are truly the one that is after the heart of God. Or are you one out here for selfish gain. Matthew 7:21 says(not verbatim) everyone that cries Holy Holy isn't fit for the kingdom. So as a community that represents Christ live it wholeheartedly so that you can make it in and be a body that encourages and draws others.


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