8/18/2020..My God!!!! When you are warring in your dream and come out of it speaking a heavenly language the dream I was invited into a group that I was unaware of how it seemed as if I was supposed to pay something..but I was able to get in free..(that is how the enemy work..he makes thing seem good and enticing) I was under the impression that it was some type of gospel concert, Christian gathering or something but once I got into it..I realized that there was this one man that was in control over everybody there..he had major power over those people..something happened..To where I thought I was in the wrong place and the man said I could leave one area to go to another so when I left I thought I was going to hear a word from the Lord or songs or something..but as time went on I realized even though I was in another area I was still under the man..he had control there to..I remember trying to leave completely and it seemed like I was bound every attempt..I don't remember when or how but my stuff was taken away and I had to dress and "appear" like everyone else..So i mustarded up courage and strength to call on the name of Jesus nonstop..even when people was telling me I wasn't suppose to do it the man would kill me or do something to me...I continued to cry out to Jesus bc that situation just couldn't be there end for I continued to cry the midst there were different people walking up to me returning me stuff..I saw mostly my clothing and I saw clothing that belonged to my children..I remember kids were there in the place as well but I don't think they were suppose to be in that type environment..but MY GOD..I see the enemy even tries God people in their sleep..but when you are for God and He is for you..even in your sleep you can and will come out victorious..and when the people noticed my faithfulness to Who I trusted..they were released as well..and the man was taken into captivity..and lost hi this life isn't just for "self" it is to encourage and bring others out of their bounded state as well...I woke up still speaking in tongues..MY GOD!! 


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