
Showing posts from February, 2022


No one can have what God intended for you to matter what it looks like or seems like..if it was intended for you then it's yours..even when it seems that someone has gotten in the position that you know that you are supposed to be in..if you stay in the will of God just look at it as they were just preserving your place until it is your time..don't lose focus on you future bc your present or your past it's or hasn't been fair..God has something greater in store for you..don't forfeit it bc of what you see..the word tells us eyes have not seen nor have ears heard what God has in store for those that love Him and are will to suffer through with Him..stay faithful and suffer through belongs to you..victory is on the way. ~{LEFTBEHIND4PURPOSE}~


Everyone needs a friend with benefits..get your mind focused lol A friend that will pray for you when you can't think of the right words to get it..or you just don't know how to go before the that will encourage you through your tough times in life and remind you that all things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to God's purpose and that won't judge you according to your now or your past..but sees you just the way God sees you..for He knows the thoughts that He thinks about you..thoughts of good and not evil and for you to have a blessed that don't claim to be better than you just because they maybe a little more successful in life than you are at the moment..ooh the benefits of having a real friend. ~{LEFTBEHIND4PURPOSE}~


Years back when I gave my life to God I remember telling my sister n law..and my Apostle and Pastor..that everything that all of you went through or are going through in your marriages I appreciate bc I won't have to go through it when I get all went through it for me and I'm learning..LoL and at that time I knew what I was saying but not to the capacity of the understanding I have now..God really had to crush me and break me throughout these years of being with Him..especially getting to the point of realizing He is what I need in order to live out this Christian life "for real" I see now that I had to COMPLETELY die to flesh..before God allow His man to enter into my life..y'all I promise you it was a HARD challenge..but God definitely got/gets the glory..I had to answer and understand the calling on my life..and realize who Lasheta is before it could happened..and in order for God to get the glory out of it..had I married before I would probably be


Many times I've loss myself thinking I could find happiness in "people" or attempting to make others happy and all the while I was broken and was being convicted on the inside..encouraging folks while I wasn't even able to encourage myself..I am so grateful that God didn't leave me in that..but yet He still acknowledged me as who He called me to be bc He knew one day I would look back over my life and see how His word stood firm in my life even when I put others before Him or tried to put them on a level with Him when they weren't worthy of that position..ones that I thought would never turn their backs on me did just that but God remained right by my side..He didn't put me in those situations however, he had to allow me to go through everything I went through in order for me to truly submit to the woman He created me to I don't think it strange when folks turn away from me..I dust my feet off..don't treat them any different but yet I under


We do not have to be at the forefront of a thing for it to go forward..just be in the place that you have been called to be in..everything doesn't have to be spoken at the moment but at the right moment..everyone has their respective position to play on the same team but you can't be effective on the team if you're an opponent..everyone should be against the same opponent..the enemy not each other..go forward and go in unity. check Matt 12.25-28  ~{LEFTBEHIND4PURPOSE}~


There are some things that I've done in my past I could actually regret..but I had to realize everything I did, I had a choice in the matter..all I can say is JESUS KEEP ME NEAR THE CROSS!!!! and thank You for The Blood!!!!! I am forgetting those things that are behind and pressing towards the mark of a Higher Calling!!! We must talk to self God..nobody made me, nobody justifies me, nobody called me!!!!! but God, become a new creature in Him!!! In Him there's a peace that you can't have that you dont even understand. ~{LEFTBEHIND4PURPOSE}~

Give Him You

How can you not live for a God that love you enough to allow His only Son to die & take on your sin..& you act as if Jesus doesn't even matter..we should be running to Him..not acting as if we are justified for self.Jesus is the reason you have life..& that you have everything you have..don't get it twisted you maybe successful..but it's only because He allowed didn't do this on your own..get your mind right..& give the Lord what's due....Y.O.U!!!!!! ~{LEFTBEHIND4PURPOSE}~